15 Jan

It is a rare occasion when an inground pool starts to lose water and no one knows where it's coming from. A leak can be caused by many different reasons, such as cracked pipes or faulty equipment. Perhaps the worst of all is not knowing where your leak is coming from. Most people try to locate the leak themselves, but it is nearly impossible without the proper knowledge and equipment. If you are one of those who would like to find their inground pool's leaking pipe on their own, read below for some helpful tips on how to do so.

Note: A professional inground pool company such as Swim Care Pool Services should be contacted to repair any leaks within your pool's piping system.

Once you have determined that there may be a leak in your piping system, you must first shut the main water supply off to the pool. Although an inground pool's pipes run under and alongside walls and decking, they are often easy to find by looking for tell-tale signs of standing water and wet grass. Once you have located a potential leak location there are two methods that may help to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. 

Method 1: Using a garden hose to find an inground pool leak

First, attach one end of a garden hose to an outdoor faucet and place the other end in the potential water-leak area. Turn on your faucet so that there is a continuous stream of water coming from the hose. After a few minutes of allowing the water to run, carefully examine any wet areas around the pool's piping. Once you find an area that has been directly under the continuous stream of water from your hose and is wet or damp, and then you know you have found where your leak is located within your inground pool's piping system. To learn more about leak repairs and easy inground pool leak detection tricks, click here!

Method 2: Using an electronic leak detector to find your inground pool's leak

Electronic leak detectors are sold at most hardware stores such as Home Depot and Lowes, and usually run around $100-$200 for a basic model. The device sends out ultrasonic sound waves that can pinpoint the exact location of a water leak. Instead of aiming the device at an inground pool wall and listening for the sound of water, however, you will need to go into your pool's pump or filter compartment. Once you attach the device to either your pump or filter, it should beep if it is held over a potential leak area within your piping system.

If you are unable to locate the leak in your inground pool's piping system, there is always the option of draining it completely and having all pipes inspected by an inground pool professional. If this option is not feasible for whatever reason, then you should have a professional return to your home and perform the repairs. A professional inground pool company will be able to find leaks easily, since they are trained in locating them, have the necessary equipment for finding leaks, and have experience repairing any issue you might have with your inground pool's piping system.

If you would like a professional inground pool company to inspect your home and offer you a free quote for services, contact Swim Care Pool Services. We provide pool maintenance and repairs in Chula Vista and San Diego county and our technicians are trained to last!